Best Games

Nextbot Graveyard

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In short, you are now the keeper of the cemetery and you need to make money from it. You have to bury the poor fellows, ennoble the cemetery, as well as the church standing next to it, simultaneously completing various fun quests. In general, the game itself is humorous, you do not get bored. There are many different and interesting NPCs, there is also the collection of resources and craft, which is very necessary for a comfortable passage.

The graphic style is very simple and pleasing to the eye. The map is large enough, it is interactive and therefore it is very convenient to navigate it. You can also take a sword and go to pile on some monsters in cabbage soup. They also drop various crafting ingredients.

Beware of suddenly appearing dudes who know exactly where to wait for you. You must learn to feel the references to their appearance. Behind every strange hill your pursuer can hide. If you don’t catch him in time, you risk staying in this cemetery yourself. Only not as a security guard, but as a permanent resident. Incredibly cool turns that will make you pay attention to this development. Quite an interesting world that requires your immediate intervention.