Best Games

Nextbot Chasing

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According to the plot, we play for an ordinary schoolboy who is given the opportunity to save one of the girls he met. We will be given different tasks like “bring me that”, “help me find the key”. There are several answers in the dialogues that will affect further relations with the girls. There are a number of screamers, some quite scary. The graphics look cool, the characters move across the floor of the school like a January skating rink, the textures are rough. But this is what is expected from Nextbot. By the way, you need to choose them at the very beginning.

Many documents are scattered along the corridors and offices – it is recommended to collect as many of them as possible, thereby studying the situation. In addition, throughout the school you have to hide from the evil lame pursuer, who walks everywhere with a flashlight and highlights all the corners. On the easy difficulty level, we are warned about the approach by the eye icon in the upper corner of the screen. But when you pass the first stage of the game, then you will have to decide for yourself where danger can await you.

How to hide from NPCs?

He constantly runs after the main character, accompanied by some incomprehensible mournful singing. Therefore, while you are trying to escape from him for the hundredth time, the rage scale is getting higher. The game no longer scares, but infuriates. I just want to take it and shoot myself, because there is no more strength. He runs and runs and runs and runs. And so, throughout the chase, we run from scary faces and hide in the toilets. After all, it is in them that the full potential of your adventure is revealed.

It is a horror quest about finding objects and solving riddles. But as we all know, we will not be allowed to do things just like that. The school is patrolled by Nextbot and various evil spirits, so you need to hide or get rid of them with all your might.

And what an atmosphere. At the school itself at night, very creepy. The usual noise disappears in the deep silence of the classrooms, the corridors of the school. The sound in this application is unrealistically cool. Korean music puts pressure on the brain in the most unsatisfactory way.