Best Games

The Binding Of Isaac

Star: 1Star: 2Star: 3Star: 4Star: 5

In this adventure, there are new rooms that are larger than regular rooms. New enemies and bosses have appeared, now it has become much more interesting to play. In The Binding of Isaac bosses are repeated very often. This makes it possible to find an approach to the destruction of each of them.

Added more than 100 new items, which adds even more variety to the gameplay. As before, the levels are randomly generated and the items in the level too. The task is very difficult to master, but this makes it less interesting. The application has a great soundtrack, it fits into the overall theme.

You still roam the rooms, clearing them of crowds of unusual enemies. Along the way, collect new things that make it easier to pass, defeat different bosses. On the surface, it seems that everything is very primitive, but in fact, this adventure brings a huge amount of emotions.